Ryan Dusick - Harder to Breathe

Ryan Dusick, the former drummer of Maroon 5, shares his journey of recovery and finding a new purpose after leaving the band. He emphasizes the importance of self-care and the need to prioritize mental health in the music industry. Ryan discusses the challenges of vulnerability, the impact of societal conditioning on men's emotional expression, and the importance of balance in emotions. He also explores creating meaning in life and the consequences of avoiding feelings. Ryan's story serves as an inspiration for those struggling with mental health and highlights the need for support and resources in the industry. In this conversation, Ryan Dusick discusses the extreme rhythm of touring life and the challenges of adjusting to normal life after touring. He shares his experiences with panic attacks and trauma, highlighting the importance of self-care and recognizing the impact of childhood trauma. Ryan also offers advice for new artists in the industry and encourages those suffering in silence to seek connection and stay open to change.
-Prioritizing self-care and mental health is essential for artists and individuals in any industry.
-Vulnerability and authenticity are powerful tools for personal growth and connection.
-Men should be encouraged to embrace vulnerability and express their emotions.
-Childhood trauma can have a lasting impact on mental health and coping mechanisms.
-Self-care, including prioritizing rest, exercise, and nourishing the mind and soul, is crucial for overall well-being.
-Staying open to criticism and being teachable can lead to personal and professional growth.
-Connection and seeking support from others is essential for those struggling with mental health issues.
-Creating meaning and purpose is crucial for overall well-being and mental health. Touring life can be characterized by extreme highs and lows, leading to challenges in adjusting to normal life.

Creators and Guests

Kim Rapach
Kim Rapach
Creator & Host - The Work of Warriors
Mac Rapach
Mac Rapach
Editor, Designer, Composer - The Work of Warriors
Ryan Dusik
Founding Drummer of Maroon 5, Therapist, & Author of: "Harder to Breathe: A Memoir of Making Maroon 5, Losing It All, & Finding Recovery"
Ryan Dusick - Harder to Breathe
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